Pro-Choice, or maybe Pro-Mind-Your-God-Damned-Business.”
It's a debate as old as time, are you pro-life or are you pro-choice?
You have to pick one. I would imagine just by reading that sentence, you have
already chosen.
I mean, you even type "pro life vs. pro choice" into Google and about 500 articles debating
over the two are every where.
So, what do I mean by Pro-Mind-Your-God-Damn-Business?
Well, basically exactly that. I find it extremely ironic that anyone
other than the person going through an unexpected pregnancy deserves
an opinion on the subject at all. Her
body, her life, her decisions.
Did you know that for every 5 women that become pregnant, at least 1 was unplanned?
As someone who has gone through the emotions of an unexpected pregnancy,
reading articles on pro-choice would have made ultimately no difference in
that decision. I did not want support, I did not want science, all I wanted was
for everyone to drop the subject and their opinion on something that would not
affect them regardless of their views. The only life that would change would be
mine. And why does their have to be
such a stigma around talking about it?
Why as a society do we feel that we need to have a standpoint on such a
subject at all? It goes beyond me, because realistically, you have absolutely no idea what you would do in that situation until
you are living it.
I get the whole support thing, the pro-choice movement in retaliation to
the pro-life movement. And I appreciate it most definitely.
But what people need to realize is the actual sensitivity of the
subject. Should this be a hot topic of discussion over lunch? No, but it so
frequently is. We have desensitized something that can be extremely emotionally
Yes, I’m sure there are many women in society who use the option to
terminate, and undergo the procedure numerous times. But guess what? That is,
wait for it, her choice!
So I guess my final piece in my angry passive aggressive blog post is,
you think you know what you would do if you were placed in a situation where
you became unexpectedly pregnant, you tell yourself it would never happen to
you - and I truly hope it doesn’t – but
it could (Remember what we all learnt in sexual education way back: the only form of 100% effective birth control is abstinence). And you
have absolutely no idea what it is like until its you, so be pro-mind-your-own-god-damn-business.
*side note: thanks for letting this be a safe space to let me share a part of my story. :)
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